Former Minister of Canada Discloses UFO Evidence

The former Minister of Canada, The Honorable Paul Hellyer, discloses evidence of the UFO conspiracy being upheld by the United States government, despite numerous countries coming clean with their own previously top-secret case files

Since the 1940’s cases have been kept secret, increasingly in the hands of the military industrial complex President Eisenhower warned about in his famous 1961 farewell address

Minister Hellyer has interviewed multiple high-level officials on the subject and is calling for the US government to open up all secret files. In addition, he recognizes the forces that may be blocking disclosure— those benefiting financially, perhaps from the cover up of advanced technology gleaned from our documented interactions with crashed vehicles and actual visitors. Such technology includes “exotic fuels” that would curb humanity’s dependence on oil, and it’s effect, global warming.

Hellyer refers to a small group of financial elite that have stakes in secrecy. He calls them “the cabal”. 

A parrallel issue Hellyer deems utterly important is the restructuring of the global economic system so that banks cannot loan out the same money 20 times, as they currently do under the fractional reserve system. 

His final advice to the youth, as to what one might do in the face of such secrecy and control. He says it all starts with the individual. When one person thinks and acts in a manner they deem good, and treat others with equivalent respect, the entire spectrum is more likely to shift. 
